Today, the Mass Media Foundation together with the public association "Ecolog" held an open-talk event for students studying media at Webster University in Tashkent, dedicated to the role of media and education in combating climate change.
25 - April, 2024

Today, the Mass Media Foundation together with the public association "Ecolog" held an open-talk event for students studying media at Webster University in Tashkent, dedicated to the role of media and education in combating climate change.
The discussion centered on the origins and consequences of climate change, and the essential role of media in effectively communicating to the public the importance of preserving nature.
The event aimed to actively involve young people in ecological initiatives, broaden their understanding of environmental issues, and cultivate a proactive attitude towards these matters as future leaders.
By informing the public about the current state of the environment, the issues of pollution, and ecosystem destruction, the media helps people realize the scale of the problem, understand its seriousness, and encourage action," said Akramjon Fozilov, the director of the Mass Media Foundation, in his speech.
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