25 - April, 2024

Today, the Mass Media Foundation together with the public association "Ecolog" held an open-talk event for students studying media at Webster University in Tashkent, dedicated to the role of media and education in combating climate change.

The discussion centered on the origins and consequences of climate change, and the essential role of media in effectively communicating to the public the importance of preserving nature.

28 - March, 2024

Today in Tashkent, a roundtable discussion titled "Journalistic Ethics and Self-Regulation of Media" was held.

The Public Foundation for the Support and Development of National Mass Media and the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan organised the event, which attracted national and international journalists and bloggers, members of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, representatives from international organisations accredited in Uzbekistan, and diplomatic envoys.

14 - March, 2024

On March 14, 2024, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Climate Change: The Role of Media and Education in Shaping a Sustainable Future" was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

The event was organized by the Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. It was attended by the faculty and students of UWED and other universities, representatives of national media, international organizations and environmental activists.

19 - January, 2024

The "Memory Tunnel" exhibition, focusing on the history of the Jadidism movement in Turkestan, opened at the Fine Arts Gallery of Uzbekistan.

The "Memory Tunnel" exhibition, focusing on the history of the Jadidism movement in Turkestan, opened at the Fine Arts Gallery of Uzbekistan.

11 - September, 2023

Today, at the office of the Public Fund for the Support and Development of National Mass Media, the Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan, Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov, held a press conference for media representatives and bloggers on the planned liberalization of gas and electricity prices for legal entities from October 1.

Today, at the office of the Public Fund for the Support and Development of National Mass Media, the Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan, Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov, held a press conference for media representatives and bloggers on the planned liberalization of gas and electricity prices for legal entities from October 1.

25 - August, 2023

The Public Foundation for the Support and Development of National Mass Media held a seminar on social media technologies, their impact on the capabilities of content makers and journalists, as well as the reach and activity of users.

The Public Foundation for the Support and Development of National Mass Media held a seminar on social media technologies, their impact on the capabilities of content makers and journalists, as well as the reach and activity of users.

24 - August, 2023

2023-yil 23-August kuni Mass-media fondi O'zbekiston Jurnalistika va ommaviy kommunikatsiyalar universiteti bilan hamkorlikda mazkur universitet talaba va o'qituvchilari uchun “Yangi texnologiyalar kommunikatsiyalar va axborotni tarqatishga qanday ta' Sir qiladi? mavzusida seminar-training o‘tkazdi.

2023-yil 23-August kuni Mass-media fondi O'zbekiston Jurnalistika va ommaviy kommunikatsiyalar universiteti bilan hamkorlikda mazkur universitet talaba va o'qituvchilari uchun “Yangi texnologiyalar kommunikatsiyalar va axborotni tarqatishga qanday ta' Sir qiladi? mavzusida seminar-training o‘tkazdi.

19 - August, 2023

The Public Fund for the Support and Development of National Mass Media, together with the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, held a training seminar on effective media management

The Public Fund for the Support and Development of National Mass Media, together with the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, held a training seminar on effective media management