For the development of journalism and blogging, material support and realization of the rights of representatives of these areas, the Public Foundation for the Support and Development of National Mass Media was established.
The initiative group that submitted the application for registration of the Public Foundation includes journalists and bloggers, representatives of the media sector, including Mukhrim Agzamkhodhaev, Qobil Khidirov, Laziz Khamidov, Khushnud Khudaiberdiev, Bobur Abidov, Madina Nurmanova, Abror Ismailov and others.
In addition, the Public Council under the Public Foundation created, consisting of representatives of the media and bloggers. In particular, the following representatives of the media sphere are proposed to the Public Council:
- Azamat Atadjanov (Gazeta.uz)
- Umid Shermukhammedov (Kun.uz)
- Mukhrim Agzamkhodjaev (Daryo.uz)
- Khurshid Daliev (Human.uz)
- Qamariddin Shaykhov (Qalampir.uz)
- Abdugani Abdurakhmanov (Xabar.uz)
- Navbakhov Imamova (Voice of America)
- Qobil Khidirov (blogger)
- Nozim Safari (blogger)
- Ali Qahhorov (blogger)
- Laziz Khamidov (blogger)
(list building continues)
After the composition of the Council is approved, it will develop recommendations for the further development of the media sphere, will discuss on an ongoing basis the problems encountered by journalists and bloggers in receiving and disseminating information, will take measures to solve them, as well as strengthening the role of the non-governmental sector in the information space, the institution of mediation will be applied in resolving disputed issues.
Foreign and local grants and Foundations will be attracted to the media sphere.
The Public Foundation is to organize training seminars on an ongoing basis to improve the skills of journalists and bloggers, as well as press secretaries. Proposals to be developed to improve legislation in the areas of freedom of speech and media space.