The Mass Media Foundation and the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan will conduct trainings in the regions

Within the framework of the joint project Support for the development of mass media in Uzbekistan, the Mass Media Foundation and the OSCE will hold two-day professional development trainings for journalists in all regions of the republic from October 14 to November 27.
Participants will receive up-to-date information in an interactive form about national and foreign legislation in the mass media, the rights and obligations of journalists and bloggers, the public significance of the disclosed data and privacy issues. Special attention will be paid to fact-checking and methods of its implementation, as well as various legal aspects of practical journalism, responsibility and consequences for illegal actions.
Participants of the trainings will be able to discuss in detail the legal basis of freedom of access to data, which information is publicly available and which is confidential, what falls under the concept of Personal Data, the right to privacy.
They will also be explained what rules and restrictions exist when publishing information about minors, how to recognize disinformation, what defamation is and how to assess its risks.
A separate section will be devoted to journalistic ethics and such an urgent topic as copyright in the media: rules for working with someone else's and your own content.