28 - December, 2020

Helping a veteran journalist

The Mass Media Foundation, represented by the leadership of the Board of Trustees, decided to financially help the veteran of journalism

19 - December, 2020

Information Wars and Digital Security: Journalists from Samarkand and Bukhara Received Training

On December 14-15 in Samarkand and December 17-18 in Bukhara, as part of a joint project of the Mass Media Foundation and the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan, retraining courses for regional journalists were held.

22 - October, 2020

Press services: create, promote, explain

The spokespersons professional development course organized by the School of media and communications started on October 22

21 - October, 2020

Get interested, tell, convince

Public Speaking Training for representatives of the mass media came to its end

21 - October, 2020

Günther Overfield: «The reforms initiated in Uzbekistan are implementing very well in the mass media sphere»

Today, the Mass-Media Foundation hosted a meeting with Mr. Gunter Overfeld, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Uzbekistan

21 - October, 2020

The Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media extends its congratulations on Uzbek language Day!

May our native language be constantly improved, may constantly sound on the world arenas! Happy Uzbek Language Day!

21 - October, 2020

Benefits and preferences for the media as an incentive to revitalize activities

The participants of the meeting expressed their proposals and made recommendations.

14 - October, 2020

Pilot project for journalists: a new perspective and horizons

The pilot group of the journalists professional development course organized by the Media and communications school completed its training

12 - October, 2020

Pilot course of the Media and Communications School for journalists

Journalists’ professional development course organized by the Media and Communications School has started.

06 - October, 2020

School of Media and Communication

The Public Foundation for Support and Development of National Mass Media is launching a new educational project.